Who wouldn’t love to eat bananas? This sweet tasting exotic fruit can tickle your taste buds and refresh your mind. Something hard to believe is that banana is the 4th staple food that is eaten all over the world, right after rice, wheat and corn. It is the most consumed fruit in the US; apple is the second most consumed fruit.
Banana is believed to be cultivated way back in 5000 BCE (some say 8000 BCE) in New Guinea. Each year 80 million tons of bananas are produced all over the world out of which less than 20% are exported and the rest of them are used for local consumption. In India ...
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Author: Sujatha Reddy
Apple Cider Vinegar: Detox to melt body fat
There is a plethora of health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. The organic solution made from fermented juice of crushed apples is also used for skin care and other general beauty enhancements. With regards to whether it can really melt belly fat or not, most research say that it can. Apple Cider Vinegar works internally and taps into several physiological mechanisms that support healthy weight loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss
Well it does not literally melt the fat inside you, but enhances the weight loss mechanism. There are several ways it effects the weight los...
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Diabetes in Ayurveda
Diabetes is a silent killer affecting around 346 million people across the world. The projections of the World Health Organization indicate that diabetes related deaths are doubling as we speak. This phenomenon was said to have started in 2005. These mind boggling numbers pose to be a huge threat for global health.
Diabetes is also the fifth leading cause of death in the United States with over 17 million affected every year. So what is the long term solution to overcome this ordeal according to Ayurveda?
Even though the various causes are complex, to an extent the menace can be curbed...
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Benefits of Eating Raw Foods
The human race learned long ago that cooking food before eating would protect from certain diseases. Since then this practice of cooking has grown to include all types of foods and is now considered an art. Very few meals are eaten which include raw elements, except for the leafy green salad.
One advantage of eating raw is that it brings Nature’s intentions into focus. When I speak of eating raw I am referring to fruit, nuts, and vegetables, which taste good to the majority of humankind in their basic simplicity direct from tree, bush or vine.
I realize it isn’t easy to simply abando...
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Emotional Eating
Emotional Eating Does Not Make You a Loser (But it will keep you from losing weight). My guess is that emotional eating haunts most women who are struggling with weight loss. It’s a major cause of diet failure (although we all know diets don’t really work anyway) and a huge contributor to weight gain.
Stress eating, anxiety eating, boredom eating, frustration eating. Eating to soothe yourself, calm yourself, distract yourself or cheer yourself up—these are all forms of emotional eating.
In a world where everything seems to move faster and faster and the demands and the to-dos just ...
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Effects of hot and cold foods on digestion
According to the ancient practice of Ayurveda all food is said to consist of different chemical compositions resulting in one of the six classified tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent.
Each of these tastes is a combination of the five elemental mahabhutas – earth, water, fire, air and space. The great seers of Ayurveda proclaim the existence of certain sub phenomena upon consumption of each nutrient. These can be observed as Rasa or taste, Virya or power and Vipaka or digestive action. Virya or the power factor is the potency of the food in terms of two sensations...
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Relieve Stress Naturally with Aswagandha
Want to relieve stress naturally? Consider Ashwagandha, a type of Indian herb. Also known as Indian ginseng, ashwagandha has extraordinary stress-relieving properties. Its calming effects can be compared to those of traditional depression and anxiety treatments.
Ashwagandha can help you to reduce or even avoid the use of often-harmful and over-prescribed pharmaceuticals. But that’s just one potential benefit. In addition to relieving stress, Ashwagandha has been shown to protect brains cells against the physiological damage that stress puts on your body. It’s been used for thousands of ...
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