If you have chronic insomnia, getting treatment for any underlying health condition or other problem may help you to sleep better. If you still have insomnia, your doctor may suggest behavioral therapy, which is frequently used when insomnia stems from the mind or body being unable to relax. Behavioral therapy teaches a person how to alter behaviors that worsen insomnia and learn new ways to promote sleep.
Make lifestyle changes to improve your sleep.
Try not to worry about sleep when you go to bed.
Avoid clock-watching. Turn your clock around and use only the alarm.
Make your bedroom comfortable for sleep. Keep it dark, quiet, and not too cold or warm. Use a sleeping mask to block light or use earplugs or a fan to block noise.
Relax before bedtime by reading, listening to relaxing music, bathing, or doing another relaxing activity.
Don’t eat a heavy meal late in the day; a light snack before bedtime may help with sleep, though.
If you can’t sleep and don’t feel drowsy, avoid lying in bed. Get up and read or do something that’s not stimulating until you feel sleepy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is a proven method of treatment that will help you sleep better than sleep medication.