Am I depressed? If you find yourself…
- Feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed
- On the edge or irritable
- Crying more often than you used to
- Feeling sad, lonely, or hopeless
- Isolating yourself or not being as social as before
- Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy
- Sleeping too little or too much
- Having negative or self-defeating thoughts
- Having trouble concentrating or feeling clouded
- Lacking desire to be intimate with your partner
- Thinking that the world is better off without you
…you may be suffering from depression. You don’t have to feel this way.
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation.
Common causes of depression:
- Abuse
- Family conflict
- Relationship issues
- Death of a loved one
- Major life events, good or bad
- Medical problems, newly diagnosed or chronic
- Substance abuse
Learn more about depression here.