Emotional Eating Does Not Make You a Loser (But it will keep you from losing weight). My guess is that emotional eating haunts most women who are struggling with weight loss. It’s a major cause of diet failure (although we all know diets don’t really work anyway) and a huge contributor to weight gain.
Stress eating, anxiety eating, boredom eating, frustration eating. Eating to soothe yourself, calm yourself, distract yourself or cheer yourself up—these are all forms of emotional eating.
In a world where everything seems to move faster and faster and the demands and the to-dos just ...
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Effects of hot and cold foods on digestion
According to the ancient practice of Ayurveda all food is said to consist of different chemical compositions resulting in one of the six classified tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent.
Each of these tastes is a combination of the five elemental mahabhutas – earth, water, fire, air and space. The great seers of Ayurveda proclaim the existence of certain sub phenomena upon consumption of each nutrient. These can be observed as Rasa or taste, Virya or power and Vipaka or digestive action. Virya or the power factor is the potency of the food in terms of two sensations...
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Relieve Stress Naturally with Aswagandha
Want to relieve stress naturally? Consider Ashwagandha, a type of Indian herb. Also known as Indian ginseng, ashwagandha has extraordinary stress-relieving properties. Its calming effects can be compared to those of traditional depression and anxiety treatments.
Ashwagandha can help you to reduce or even avoid the use of often-harmful and over-prescribed pharmaceuticals. But that’s just one potential benefit. In addition to relieving stress, Ashwagandha has been shown to protect brains cells against the physiological damage that stress puts on your body. It’s been used for thousands of ...
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Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD
People who find they have mild to severe depression when the days grow shorter in fall and winter may have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — sometimes called the winter blues.
SAD is more common in women and in families where other members suffer from it. But it can also affect men and people of all ages, including children and teens, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Very often, people with seasonal depression have at least one close relative with a psychiatric disorder, typically major depressive disorder or alcohol abuse.
SAD symptoms most often emerge dur...
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Ayurvedic Cleanse for Balance
Imagine not taking your car for an oil change at least once a year even if you don’t drive it that much. Think of the congestion, accumulation, rust, breaking down over time, etc. And then imagine if on top of that you drive it into the ground with long trips, stop-and-start driving, neglect, no car-washes, or very little TLC. Like your car, your body will take misuse for a while and operate on very little. However, signs of disease and discomfort will start to show up and this is very stressful. In Ayurveda we focus on transformation rather than feeling stuck in old habits and patterns. Make ...
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Nasal Douche or Neti
Seasonal cleansing routines prevent many disease conditions. One of those is the cleansing technique for the nasal passage and sinuses.
Neti, or Nasal irrigation, or nasal lavage or nasal douche, is a personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed to flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses. The practice is generally well-tolerated and reported to be beneficial with only minor side effects.Nasal irrigation in a wider sense can also refer to the use of saline nasal spray or nebulizers to moisten the mucous membranes. It should be practiced only in the mornin...
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Emotional Freedom Techniques

Reprogram negative core beliefs, put an end to self-sabotage, clear your blocks to living a vibrant life.
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Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection is a common condition that arises when there is an infection caused by bacteria. The infection usually starts in the urethra and then travels up to the bladder and other parts of the urinary tract. There is a burning feeling when urinating and an increased frequency of urination. The condition is more common in females, as the urethra is smaller (becomes infected more easily) and near the anus (a source of contamination). Also some conditions like diabetes, bowel incontinence, kidney stones, immobility, reduced intake of fluids, and pregnancy can contribute to urinary t...
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Indigestion – Home Remedy
According to Ayurveda, a toxic material called ama is produced as a result of indigestion. Fasting is a very nice method to digest this ama. If the patient is fat and strong he can fast completely for two days. Taking fruits, fruit juices and boiled vegetables for one week is also a very beneficial way of fasting.
A light and easily digestible diet is advised for a patient suffering from indigestion. The patient should take plenty of boiled vegetables, fruits, fruit juices and lemon juice. Fresh and cooked food should be taken. Cooking with spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, fre...
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Sinusitis – Home Remedy
Sinusitis occurs when the tissues lining the air-filled spaces within the bones of the face are swollen. There is sneezing, difficulty in breathing, and a feeling of heaviness in the head. In Ayurveda, it is known as Pinasa.
Home Remedies:
The first step is to reduce the swelling of the sinuses, which can be best done by inhalation of steam. Boil 1 to 2 liters of water and add a few drops of clove oil (or a large spoonful of cloves), 10-12 crushed mint leaves, and a few drops of eucalyptus oil (or 1/3 cup of eucalyptus leaves). Inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes. Continue this twice a day un...
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